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Then and Now: The Art of Linda Wilmes
Exhibition Dates: July 29 - September 1, 2011

      “The beauty of nature and being close to the earth have always presented a deep feeling  of awe: there is a spiritual connection with each sunrise, change of light, tone of the atmosphere, that engulfs me, and resurfaces again when I pick up a brush.” ~ Linda Wilmes

     Linda Wilmes is a long time, self-taught artist, working in a variety of media. In this art exhibition, she has included a few of her earlier works for this presentation.  In choosing works for this exhibit, she was reminded of her artistic growth, as well as her goals for the future, which of course include more challenges and gained improvement.  Wilmes says, "I know I have yet to do my best work, and am striving for that goal.  In looking back, I find I still have the enthusiasm, joy, and deep passion for painting images that inspire me.   I am very grateful for this artistic gift,  and I intend to use this gift in the very best way I can."
     This selection includes oils and acrylics, works from 25 years ago, to her recent art  which are mostly watercolors and pastels.   You also will find a large selection of subject matter, size, and color selections, which add to the exciting variety of this show.   Linda hopes you enjoy her artwork as much as she has enjoyed creating it.

Learn more about artist Linda Wilmes on her website.

"Old Rusty" by artist Linda Wilmes.     "Iris Velvet II" by artist Linda Wilmes.     "Opera House" by artist Linda Wilmes.


The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission. 

Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313