Exhibition Dates: August 14 - September 5, 2010
Viewpoints is an art exhibition featuring work by five award-winning artists whose work conveys styles and interpretations as diverse as their media. With this diversity, “Viewpoints” has something to appeal to every discriminating artistic taste.

The Viewpoints artists:
Jerie Artz
David Cornell
Arvilla Friar
Kathy Gomric
Suzanne Lowry
About Artist Jerie Artz:
Reflecting a “joie de vivre” Jerie attempts to re-create a portion of the Creator’s work of art as she dips her brush into her soul. She is inspired by the seasons and her surroundings. Porcelain painting was Jerie’s first love and has greatly influenced her approach to watercolors. Having lived and traveled in France, painting for her own pleasure in a travel journal is one of her passions. The beauty of France, flowers and the changing seasons resource her inner well in addition to the inspiration of fellow artists in the Gateway East Artist Guild (GEAG) and the St. Louis Watercolor Society, where she is a Signature Member. In May of 2010 Jerie organized a 15 day painting trip to France for 10 artists. The “Artz Tour de France” exhibit was part of a traveling show that was shown at the Abbey in Belleville, Flavors in Breese, Illinois and the Jacoby Art Gallery in Alton, IL. |
About Artist David M. Cornell:
David M. Cornell creates his own acclaimed style of plein air oil paintings, focusing all of his senses on preserving the beauty of our own local region, regardless of the weather. His interest in plein air painting began while growing up in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern California. There he took lessons from Marion Letton, a California landscape artist, and continued studying art during his high school and college years. Later, while serving with the U.S. Air Force for 32 years, David continued to paint in oils and watercolors. In that capacity, he had the opportunity to sketch and paint in many foreign countries while observing the techniques of local artists. David is a founding member of the Missouri Plein Air Painters’ Association, and currently is a member of the Highland Arts Council, the Northern Missouri Arts Council, and the Gateway East Artists’ Guild (GEAG).
Learn more about artist David M. Cornell on his website. |
About Artist Arvilla Friar:
Favorite subjects which comprise Arvilla’s works of art are historic buildings. But she equally enjoys painting old weathered barns, flowers, hummingbirds, light houses, wildlife, & the countryside. She has painted several of the 114 Michigan lighthouses from both the upper and lower peninsula. Arvilla’s greatest joy, however, is to see her artwork lovingly displayed on the walls of her children and grandchildren.
“I often ask myself what my life would be like without this talent God gave me,…it’s down inside, and when you’re not painting, you’re actually painting more than when you are…an artist always knows…if it’s in your heart to draw, you just draw. You get older, but you never have to be aged. I’ve learned you must give your life to people, not things, I’ve learned too, that when you case your bread upon the waters, it always comes back buttered! God is the Master Creator and I draw on His creation for my inspiration.”
About Artist Kathy Gomric:
Kathy Gomric is a southern Illinois resident who manages to create fantasies in black/white and shades of grey. Over the years, she had done many drawings, mostly involving nature, trees and human form. Many times things, ‘creatures’ grow and evolve in a composition, she never knows how a drawing truly be until it tells her it’s reached maximum potential. Out of the shadows, come many forms that take on a life of their own! Kathy is also a published artist, her most recent was in 2008. Her piece, The French Canadian Fur Trappers, was used in Everyday Art Design and Decoration published by Scholastic Canada Ltd. Kathy is very active with the local art organizations and is a member of Gateway East Artist Guild in Belleville, IL, Art St Louis, St Louis Artist Guild-Art Section member and the Jacoby Arts Center in Alton, IL.
Learn more about artist Kathy Gomric on her website.
About Artist Suzanne Lowry:
Suzanne Lowry focuses her creativity on dynamic close-up photography with natural light, as well as soldered sculpture containing recycled metals, natural materials, and semi-precious stones. Believing that too much content limits the imagination, Suzanne strives for simplicity and symbolism, whether the medium is sculpture, photography, or painting. This philosophy leads to the signature work in every genre that defines her as a conceptual artist. Suzanne's nonfigurative photography and sculpture focus on symbolic parts that best represent the whole, while her figurative works depict the body language of unconscious gestures that belie a person’s true feelings. This often leads to dynamic close-up photos in natural light and soldered metal sculptures that invite personal interpretation, many of which will appear in the exhibit.
Learn more about artist Suzanne Lowry on her website.
The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission.
Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313