My experiences have fashioned my personal belief that there is nothing more fun and rewarding than manipulating color and form into a result that affects emotions or the atmosphere in your home or office! If it adds character to your walls or brightens your home it has done it's job. At best if it causes you to question, soul search or stirs some emotion within you, it may have been meant for you. Those who can look at an abstract painting and enjoy, feel, see something that touches their soul, or just see something that sparks their own personal imagination will enjoy the color, the contrast, the boldness and the fine nuances of my paintings. ~Rich Gordon
Rich Gordon is an award winning St Louis area painter and photographer. He worked in retail management as well as founding his own multi-store business for a number of years during the eighties and nineties. He also worked for Apple Computer during their early years. Rich is also author of the book, "A Line Out the Door:. While he has painted since his childhood, he has just recently decided to begin selling his work to the public. Rich's paintings and photographs are generally filled with color and contrast.
Learn more about Artist Rich Gordon at: http://www.artofrichgordon.com/

by Rich Gordon.
Acrylic. $1700

"Momentum from Chaos"
by Rich Gordon.
Acrylic. $1800

by Rich Gordon.
Acrylic. $650 |
Click Here to see more artwork by Rich Gordon
The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission.
Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313