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Beyond the Lens XX (2026)
Exhibition Dates: TBA

Beyond the Lens XX is an all subject, juried exhibit of photographic works in all discipline

Entry Deadline: TBA

Delivery of accepted artwork TBA 10am-6pm

Reception:  TBA 6:30-8
                  Awards announced at the reception
Exhibition Dates: TBA
Retrieval: TBA 10am-6pm

Juror: TBA


Awards: First Place: $100 
               Second Place: $70
               Third Place: $40
               Honorable Mentions: Ribbon

Entry Fee: Artists may submit up to four works for a non-refundable entry fee of $10.00 per piece. 

Specifications for Image files for Online Entry: Image files should be in either jpg or png format. 
Maximum File Size: 5 MB,  Minimum File size: 100kb, Minimum image width 500px. 

Gallery Commission:  25% of sales


About Juried Exhibits  Dependent on the juror’s decision, an artist may find that all, some, or possibly none of their pieces are chosen to be a part of the exhibition. Framations strives to promote excellent exhibitions that are juried to fit the exhibit space but also display the best quality work chosen from what is entered.


All Calls for Art are now accepted and managed via EntryThingy.
To submit, create an account or login on to EntryThingy , see below.​
If you need in person help, bring your entry into the gallery during regular business hours
and I will walk you through creating an account and uploading a photo of your entry!


· Entry in any Framations Exhibition indicates agreement with all conditions in this prospectus.
· Pieces accepted by the juror must be hand delivered to Framations on the submission dates specified for each show. Hand deliver to: Framations, 218 N Main Street, Saint Charles, MO 63301
· Open to all wall hung and 3D mediums.
· Open to artists 18 years of age or older who live in the St Louis/St. Charles Metropolitan region
· Work that has not been exhibited in any prior juried exhibition at Framations.
· Original work not completed under instruction. All imagery must be the artist’s original work.
· A diptych/triptych is one entry only if priced as a whole, AND the image must be continuous from piece to piece.

· The total size of the entry must fit the size guidelines listed below:
     - Wall hung work: Max size including frame is 90 United Inches (United inches = Length + Width)
     -3D works must fit on a pedestal 18” x 18” (if requiring a pedestal). Freestanding pieces must fit
       through a standard size door and use and an area of floor space no larger than 4’ (2’ x 2’ or 1’ x 4’ for
       example) & a height no larger than 6’.
 · At this time we cannot accept entries that are ceiling hung, video installations, or require electric cords.
· Work must be suitably framed, wired and read to hang. Framations reserves the right to reject work that is not properly prepared for hanging or is in any way unstable.
· Framations reserves the right to photograph all exhibited works for use on our website, social media platforms, emails, press releases ,and promotions. . 
· Retrieval of Works: Due to limited storage space, artwork left more than 60 days after the close of an exhibit shall become the property of Framations and sold or disposed of as seen fit.
· Liability and Insurance: While reasonable precautions are taken to safeguard entries, Framations does not insure work submitted to the gallery for Exhibitions and is not responsible for loss or damage to any work submitted while on display or in transit. Artists are strongly encouraged to insure their own artwork 

Questions? Contact Framations at (636)724-8313 or framations@gmail.com
If you need personal assistance with online entry, or help with images, just ask!


The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission. 

Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313