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Artist Commissions - For when you need your artwork created just for you  

Kim Carr - Pet and Lifestyle Photography         
Email Kim for more information at kimmerhaw@yahoo.com      See more samples of Commission Work        

Kim Carr - Pet and Lifestyle Photography Kim Carr Pet and Lifestyle Photography Kim Carr Pet and Lifestyle Photography

Kathy Gomric - Pet Portraits in Pencil
Call Kathy for more information at 618-514-2259       See more samples 

Sample Pet Portrait by Kathy Gomric     Sample Pet Portrait by kathy Gomric   Pet Portraits by Kathy Gomric

Shirley Nachtrieb - available media: watercolor, pastel, acrylics, and mixed media   
snachtrieb@charter.net        www.shirleynachtrieb.com 

Animal Portraits (mixed media with background)   Animal Portraits (watercolor )                   Abstracts                     

Commission sample Nachtrieb    Commission sample Nachtrieb  Commission sample Nachtrieb

House Portraits                               People Portraits 
Commission sample Nachtrieb    Commission samples Nachtrieb

Linda Wilmes - available media: acrylic, watercolor, pastel, pencil and charcoal
lindaswilmes@gmail.com  lindawilmes.com

Portraits                                      Architecture                                                                               Murals (section of large mural. See full mural here)

Portrait sample by Linda wilmes   Architecture Sample by Linda Wilmes  Portion of large mural bu Linda Wilmes

Landscape/Home                                                               Still life and Vehicles                                                       Floral         

Landscape/Home Portrait by Linda Wilmes    Still Life by Linda Wilmes  Floral by Linda Wilmes

The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission. 

Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313