"After working in many different media, and for many years, I have found the truest form of painting is direct from life and this can be seen in the plein air painting process. Painted directly outdoors in natural light, I have everything before me to grasp. There are no boundaries and no limitations, opening the door open wide for my creative process towork and grow. This growth process of my work is indeed a learning process. As long as my artwork is evolving, the growth is evident in the finished painting. The changes come, sometimes subtle to the eye, be to me become a very exciting new experience, to build upon. I enjoy painting a few of my favorite subjects again and again. One example is the Hay Bales, a painting, I have done Plein Air, in acrylic and pastel. The sunlight on the left and top sides of the bales, give a great contrast to the cool shadows underneath and to the right of the hay bales. Another example of a favorite subject to paint are the local creeks, which are usually shady, but with the addition of the sunlight sparkling and peeking through the tree branches, again there is the great contrast between dark and light and warm and cool colors. The Femme Osage Creek is done is misty blues, with strong and almost back/left side lighting, adds to the drama of a simple, peaceful and very inviting scene. Being an artist has given me a valuable gift of growth, in knowledge and experiences, within the creative process, which gives me great joy and contentment, enriching my life." ~ Artist Linda WIlmes
The creative process of drawing and painting is unique, with the only other comparison possibly being that of a writer. Pulling the innermost thoughts from the memory of the mind, and emotions from the heart: then approaching the blank page armed with tools to begin the process of creating a writing to express oneself to others. During that process the writer gains new knowledge from the words of his creative writings. The knowledge gained through the writing experiences give confidence and the desire to write more. Self discipline and perseverance, along with an imagination, add to the tools necessary for a successful finished product. The artistic process begins with an idea or vision to visually express the thoughts or feelings of the artist. The blank paper or canvas soon becomes the physical product of the minds’work. The artist leaves himself upon the canvas, woven through the colors of the paint, in the design, and the mood of the finished product.
Learn more about artist Linda Wilmes on her website.